Running out of Time

Running out of Time

by Margaret Peterson HaddixYear Published:

We will be delving into life in the 1840's as we explore this thrilling book.  The book is about a girl that finds out she is not actually living in the time period that she belives (1840's) but is actually living in a reconstructed village made up to look like the 1800's.  She must escape the village and step "into the future" to get help for children dying of diptheria.  Discussions about our life today and the things that Jessie struggles to understand in our modern society are always interesting.  What is also interesting is that the book was written in the mid-nineties, before cell phones.  Jessie desperately needs to find a pay phone when she is outside the village.  I've been using this book for years and I have noticed each year as we get more and more removed from seeing pay phones my students don't have much experience with them.  Some students don't understand why Jessie doesn't just use a cell phone.  This book continues to be a favorite with my students.  


Here are a few comments from past students about this book.  


"I enjoy adventure books so Running Out of Time is perfect if you like adventure.  If you want a good book, pick Running Out of Time." - Reese Taylor


"I love this book because there is action and lives at stake, so you would like this book I think." - Annaleese Bishop


"I loved Running Out of Time because it was interesting.  I liked the part where Jessie found the red box up in the tree and she climbed that tree." - Madison Meacher