
Can't attend the Gala but still want to support our programs?

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HERE to find out more!


The Gala and Wall of Honor Inductions will take place on Saturday November 9, 2024 beginning at 5pm.

Sycamore Country Club

$100 a Ticket

Ticket Sales start September 16th and go through October 22nd.

For more information please contact the District Office at 518-731-1710.

Wall of Honor: Click HERE to find the 2024 Wall of Honor Nomination form. Submissions for nominations are due by March 29, 2024.

Gala: We want to thank everyone who attended the CAFE Gala. It was a wonderful evening celebrating our Wall of Honor Inductees.

Stay in the know with the most up to date events and news! Follow CAFE on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/CAFoundation


The Coxsackie - Athens Foundation for Education (C.A.F.É.) has been honored to create a partnership with our schools, its alumni, the business community and especially our students. Despite federal budget cuts to education, this partnership has provided vital funding for innovative school programs that promote student engagement, teacher/student collaborations and community stewardship. 

In recent years, we are proud to have supported many great projects that have directly benefited the students in our community, including the new High School Fitness Center, the Digital Media lab, LEGO Robotics kits, Nature Trail improvements, elementary flexible seating and funding numerous field trips and educational excursions to help students learn about our region and environmental stewardship. 

We also recognize the extraordinary achievements of former graduates, teachers and staff who have demonstrated a positive reflection on the Coxsackie-Athens school community.  The C-A Wall of Honor is a permanent distinction that celebrates these individuals and provides inspiration to current students.

C.A.F.E. is a 501c3 tax exempt organization.


Wall of Honor

The C.A.F.E. established a Wall of Honor as a way to acknowledge and recognize former Graduates, Teachers and Staff of C-A for their achievements as professionals or humanitarians, and those who have made a difference in the quality of life for the Coxsackie-Athens Central School District Community, either during their tenure at the school or after retirement. There are two categories in which persons may be nominated.

Award Nomination Criteria:

1. They must have attended Coxsackie-Athens Schools (either before or after centralization in 1947), proven to be exemplary citizens and must have distinguished themselves through their community service or their profession. This may include service to humanity, exceptional career achievement or an accomplishment in many areas that benefit their professions and/or their communities they live in.


2. They must have served the school community for 10 or more years by making an important contribution directly to the Coxsackie-Athens Central School District (either before or after centralization in 1947) beyond contractual obligations for employment and stipends for coaching/supervision of extra curricular activities. (Current employees are ineligible.) Posthumous nominations will be considered.

Please return a typed hardcopy to the Coxsackie-Athens Central School District office or email to [email protected]. Submissions for nominations are due by March 29, 2024.

You can also fill out a google form to submit your nominations:


Click the photo to see bios on each of our honorees!



Alice Robbins
Seraphino C. DeLucia
Robert G. Chaloner Sr.
Robert G. Chaloner, M.D.
Frank S. Gerrain
Dianne M. Ringwald



Howard Solvin
Edward Arthur
Harvey Durham
Hon. Daniel K. Lalor
John Porter, M.D.
Christian Pfister
Patricia Scott



Ione Patricia DeLucia
Gerald Frisbee
Dave Merchant
Hon. Richard Roberg
Helen Rosenfield
Irving Steele



Roberta Roberg
Margaret Chaloner
Col. Richard Swengros
Joseph Zanchelli
William Stafford
Charles Tailleur



Theron Gunderman
Joseph Garland Jr.
Lennie Daniels
Betty Cure
Franklin Clark
Robert Hallock



Dorothy Lovelock
Ellen DeLucia
Robert Van Valkenburg
Paul Salvino
Major General Larry Gundermand



Carl E. Meyer
Henry Rausch
David Riley
Rosemary Martin



Evelyn Russo
George Stacey
David Darling
Harry L. Palmer
Michael J. Myers



Alexander Betke
Patricia McIntyre
David Dorpfield
Wayne F. Parks



Arthur Dixson, Jr.
Joyce Dickson Heath
Anthony (Tony) Loughran
William Porter
Dr. Jessica Heath



Jeffrey Rose
John Mayotte
Linda Smith Bohan
Robert "Bob" Irwin Sr.
Alan Frisbee



The annual Gala is a formal event where Wall of Honor Inductees are celebrated and recognized for their achievements and support to our community and school. The Gala is CAFE's largest fundraiser of the year, and proceeds go to scholarship opportunities for students, as well as funding of grants for programs in our schools.

The Gala and Wall of Honor Inductions will take place on Saturday November 9, 2024 beginning at 5pm.

Sycamore Country Club

$100 a Ticket

Ticket Sales start September 16th and go through October 22nd.

For more information please contact the District Office at 518-731-1710.



Can't attend the Gala but still want to support our programs?

Become a sponsor!
HERE to find out more!


Mini Grant Application:

  • C.A.F.E. will award up to 10 mini-grants in the amount of $200 (or less) on an annual basis.

Grant Application:

  • We have three grant cycles annually and you are invited to apply for funds by completing the attached application form

Previous Grants



Since 2012 the Coxsackie-Athens Foundation for Education has awarded over $150,000 in grants to support programming in the C-A Schools.

Grants will be awarded during three grant cycles:

  • October 1st, January 1st, and April 1st.

Innovation Grants: The Coxsackie Athens Foundation for Education was formed to raise, manage and distribute financial and non-financial resources for educational enrichment.   We have three grant cycles annually and you are invited to apply for funds by completing the attached application form. 

Priorities will be given to projects that address the Foundation’s mission and are educationally enriching, innovative, creative and include a plan for continuation beyond Foundation support.  

Mini- Grants: The Coxsackie Athens Foundation for Education (C.A.F.E.) is excited to announce that mini-grant applications will now be accepted. Mini-grants are in addition to the existing innovation grant program and C.A.F.E. will award up to 10 mini-grants in the amount of $200 (or less) on an annual basis. The purpose of the mini-grant is to provide opportunities to purchase smaller items that will have a big impact on our students. Examples might include books, supplies for a special art project, a speaking honorarium, subscriptions, or software tools. 

Priorities will be given to proposals that address the Foundation’s mission and are educationally enriching, innovative and creative.

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