LINKS- The process of aligning and LINKing the work we do to achieve aim high annual performance targets.  Our LINKS plans are our annual performance targets and the strategies and action steps as well as the professional development and training so that we can implement with confidence our strategies to help every kid be successful everyday.  Each annual plan it aimed at making progress towards achieving our 3-year district wide performance goals. The most recent goals were set in the summer of 2022 to be achieved by 2025. These 3-year goals are aligned to our 2030 DESTINATION - a set of four possibilities we want to become reality by 2030.

2025 PERFORMANCE GOALS (Set summer 2022)

In order for 95% of our students to graduate, our goals are:

  1. Wellness:

    1. Support of student and staff wellness will be indicated by 100% of students and employees being able to identify one ally and improved results on climate surveys each year.

  2. Reading:

    1. 73% of students PK-8 will be reading at or above grade level by 2025. This will be a 19% improvement from 2022.

  3. Math:

    1. 73% of students PK-8 will demonstrate grade level proficiency in math by 2025. This will be a 17% improvement from 2022.

  4. Research Based Projects:

    1. 100% of students will be creating at least three research-based products every year by 2025. 

  5. Life Readiness:

    1. 100% of students will demonstrate competence in a majority of the Life Ready Skills and Financial Literacy Indicators appropriate for their school level by 2025.

2022 Performance Goals

Set August 2019 

In order for 95% of our students to graduate, our goals are:

  1. Writing/Research: (BOE priority #3)

    1. 100% of students K-12 will produce a research-based writing product every year.  Improving 28% from 2019.

  2. Reading: (BOE priority #3)

    1. 80% of students K-8 will be reading at or above grade level. Improving 6% from 2019

  3. Math: (BOE priority #3)

    1. 76% of students K-8 will demonstrate grade level proficiency in math. Improving 10% from 2019.

  4. Social Emotional Learning: (BOE priority #1)

    1. 100% of students will engage in SEL training every year that will result in a 10% decrease in discipline referrals each year and improved results on the school culture assessment tool.

  5. Life Ready: (BOE priority #1 & #3)

    1. 100% of students will demonstrate competence in a majority of the Life Ready Skills indicators appropriate for their school level. 


CE Annual Plan

EJA Annual Plan

Middle School Annual Plan

High School Annual Plan


Agendas and Notes from LINKS meetings


LINKS Team PD and Training Priorities for 18-19

NYSED Updates on New Regents exams and elementary science; March 2019

NYSED update on new social studies Regents Exams

Framework for Safe and Successful Schools



2017-18 LINKS Plan: Annual Targets, Strategies, Action Steps



2016 17 LINKS Plans 



 2015-16 Final Student Performance Data

 2015-16 NYS Education Dept District Data for C-A 

 2015-16 CE LINKS Targets, Strategies, Action Steps 

 2015-16 EJA LINKS Targets, Strategies, Action Steps

2015-16 M.S. LINKS Targets, Strategies, Action Steps 

2015-16 H.S. LINKS Targets, Strategies, Action Steps 


2015 LINKS Planning Slide Deck 

Plan Template




2014 15 Building LINKS Plans Annual Targets, strategies and action steps.

2014 15 LINKS Summary slides 


School success is inversely proportional to the size of a school’s strategic plan.  With that concept in mind the district embarked on a process to indicate SMART* actions necessary to achieve the 3-year goals established in 2013. A step in this process is LINKing the various committees and plans into one document, helping to align our work.  2014-15 is our second year developing this process. 

 Coherence-making is defined by Michael Fullan as “change processes that help connect elements of reform so that groups gain shared clarity and shared commitment.” For 2014-15 the LINKS plan combines professional development and technology into the action steps that support the strategies to achieve each building’s annual targets.    The merger of these two historically separate entities is a step towards bringing more focus and a ubiquity of consistency around the work we do district-wide.  The LINKS plan demands sustainability through consistency in our actions and by making all our work more transparent.

 Creating the plan is only a first step.  The plan is a living document evidenced by the monitoring each quarter of progress towards reaching annual targets, and the adjusting of action steps and if necessary strategies to support teachers in achieving the targets. The LINKS plan supports our Results System approach of targets-data-instruction.  It is vital this plan be communicated and referred to often so the entire school team is aware of how their individual actions can benefit the school. 

 The plan informs the work we do to increase teacher efficacy that in turn has the biggest impact on student learning. 

 The vision regarding the use of targets within the LINKS process is that a spiraled process will occur where teachers move from creating yearly targets to developing quarterly targets and then unit targets integrated into backward-designed unit plans. These targets as part of the continual assessment cycle to track student learning will help us converge our instruction and assessments to the common CORE,  sustained through focused strategic professional development and tactical job embedded training . The target process through LINKS will be the central cog that will keep our curriculum, instruction and assessment working together in a transparent manner.

 Ultimately, the LINKS planning process takes our shared vision to reality by providing specific realizable annual goals-milestones we expect to reach before too long.  The strategies and action steps represent what people commit themselves to do.

 *Strategic, measurable, attainable, relevant, timely.



2014 Summer LINKS Planning Session Agenda

·        During the session we will:

·         Gain a deeper understanding of data driven instruction and the “Assessment cycle.”

·         Build shared knowledge of the characteristics of a professional learning community.

·         Analyze the 2013-14 student learning data as it relates to building targets and district goals.

·         Assess the effectiveness of strategies implemented to improve student achievement.

·         Review 2013-14 building targets in order to establish 2014-15 targets.

·         Develop connections to and among Student Learning Objectives and local achievement targets across the building and district.

·         Define 1-2 strategies and action steps to build overall group capacity.

·         Generate a timeline for tracking our progress and identify essential resources for successful implementation of strategies.

·         Come to consensus that all actions directly support our missions, and vision.

·        Plan roll-out in September.